Arithmetic Foundations II
Mathematics Summer Institute

July 22 - July 30, 2015

Bemidji State University
1500 Birchmont Dr. NE
Bemidji, Mn 56601

SPONSORING DEPARTMENT AND INSTITUTION: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Bemidji State University. This program was made possible by an improving Teacher Quality Grant Program administered through the Minnesota Higher Education Services Office.


Form to
Dr. Heidi Hansen,
Box 23 - Mathematics
Bemidji State University
1500 Birchmont Dr. NE
Bemidji, MN 56601 

Name: _______________________________________________________

Home Address: _______________________________________________

Home City, State, Zip___________________________________________

School: ______________________________________________________

School Address: _______________________________________________

School City, State, Zip___________________________________________

Home Phone: __________________ School Phone: __________________

Email: Home: ____________________School______________________

I am a teacher _____ paraprofessional _____ .


1. Please consider my application in conjunction with the following individuals who will also be applying to attend the institute:

_________________________ who is a teacher ____ paraprofessional ____ .

_________________________ who is a teacher ____ paraprofessional ____ .

_________________________ who is a teacher ____ paraprofessional ____ .

_________________________ who is a teacher ____ paraprofessional ____ .

2. Considering the program's objectives, I feel that I should be accepted into the institute for the following reasons: Write your reasons on the back of this page.